Monday, May 26, 2008

My little brother, age 14 years, just landed his first job. (With the help of my mother and me) Regardless, he's being responsible. I respect that to such a great degree. I am so happy for him. So proud.

Also, I hate bugs in my room.

Also, I want my damn year books from my father's damn house.

My summer is planned to the max. Every day, work or college something. I'm going to visit 5 this summer. The five on my list. There is one more in North Carolina, however it is far and expensive. I am ready for life to move! That's the difference between my life long friends and me. I'm ready to go, I'm ready to plan my future. Also, I can't wait to plan. If I wait to long, it will be too late. I must start now! There is no more later. Later is college attending. I am at now. My later is now.

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About Me

I love learning. I love laughing out loud at literature.